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Working Smart: 3 Practices to Get You There   Great coaches and great leaders inspire the type of commitment that naturally causes a team to work hard.  But teams that don’t also work smart can find their work efforts squandered.   Coach Smith never sent his...

Working Hard: 3 Keys to Inspiring Commitment The first tenet of The Carolina Way is getting your people to “work hard.”  But Coach Smith and Dr. Bell knew that working hard was never about driving people to put their noses to the grindstone.  It’s not about forced...
Leadership Learning Never Stops

Leadership Learning Never Stops

CONTINUOUS LEARNING A Lesson From The Carolina Way One of the most important jobs leaders have is to ensure that each person in their organization continues to improve and learn new skills. Many people think they are so busy that they have little or no time to learn....
Listen Like You Mean It In 2024

Listen Like You Mean It In 2024

Sustained listening requires ongoing practice, even for the best listeners.   It can be hard to hear what others are saying over the sound of our own booming thoughts and ideas. With so much to accomplish and little time to do it, we often rush through...