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Personalized Leadership Guidance and Support

​Bell Leadership coaching provides the essential support to guide you through the process of building yourself both personally and professionally. With the right coach, many people have found that coaching reduces stress, helps them process, eases them through life transitions and supports their development of the necessary action plans to improve their effectiveness and contributions.

The Bell Leadership team applies best practices and learnings, which leverage over 50 years of research and experience. We offer both individual and group sessions to answer a variety of our clients’ coaching needs. These sessions can be done in person, over the phone, and on-line through virtual meetings with one of our Bell Leaders. Coaching solutions may also include a combination of individual sessions and the Bell Leadership Strengths & Weaknesses Survey, a confidential, 360-degree feedback tool that provides personal and practical insights on how to improve your leadership and management style.


“Ply Gem has used Bell Leadership programs and principles in developing our key managers into true leaders. Through a combination of classroom training, executive coaching and customized programs, we are successfully preparing our team for the challenges presented in any leadership role. The skills learned have helped our associates both at work and in their personal development.”

David Schmoll

Senior VP, Human Resources, PlyGem

Leadership Coaching Overview

  • Conducting an in-depth analysis of your history, background and survey results to discover your patterns of strength and opportunities for improvement in alignment with your organization’s mission, vision and core values.
  • Identifying the specific skill/s that will bring you the greatest results and return on investment.
  • Brainstorming ways to realistically build your skills and achieve your goals in the context of your unique personality, work and community life.
  • Planning for the actions and supports needed to keep you motivated, hold you accountable and ensure consistent progress towards your goals.
  • Tracking your progress and adjusting your action plan based on the lessons you learn from your “flunkers” and successes.

MASTER CLASSES - half or full-day session with a leadership coach designed to address your unique strengths and weaknesses so that you can build onto your current skills, discover new talents and contribute to your organization more effectively. 

EXECUTIVE COACHING - Bell Leadership provides Executive Coaching for C-suite and top-level leaders. A coach will guide executives through a process that helps them influence business outcomes.

INDIVIDUAL COACHING - when you attend an open-enrollment seminar, one of our coaches can work with you to master your leadership skills and improve your effectiveness. Both face-to-face meetings and phone sessions are available.